DVLS DVLS GC Fractionator
Da Vinci Laboratory Solutions (DVLS) introduces the new DVLS GC-Fractionator; a fractionation platform based on post-column infusion of a trap solvent that collects up to 384 fractions of gas chromatographic separation with a parallel detection to correlate each fraction with analytical information.

Automated two dimensional preparative GC
Perhaps the most challenging preparative GC application in the Netherlands can be seen in the analytical laboratory of IFF in Tilburg. In that lab research scientist Aafke Robben and team leader Joost Broekhans apply the GC-Fractionator to automate two-dimensional preparative GC to isolate fragrance interesting volatile components from raw materials present in very low concentrations.
The IFF GC-Fractionator has collected a multitude of components in sufficient quantities for structural analysis by NMR. However, IFF's analytical wish list was not yet fully fulfilled.
A solution has been found in obtaining a second GC-Fractionator, which is configured on two GCs. This solution speeds us the fractionation process and results in a greater resolution.
Read the complete LabVision article of IFF on the DVLS GC Fractionator

Hundreds of GC injections for 1 mg of fragrance component
Perhaps the most challenging preparative GC application in the Netherlands can be seen in the analytical laboratory of IFF in Tilburg. In that lab research scientist Aafke Robben applies automated two-dimensional preparative GC to isolate fragrance interesting volatile components from raw materials present in very low concentrations. This to prepare for e.g. structural analysis with NMR or high-resolution MS. The application within IFF is so wanted that there is a waiting list for this time-intensive preparative GC work.
Post-column self seeding
The GC-Fractionator system is based on an elegant method developed by Jeroen Kool's Biomolecular Analysis research group, which uses a post-column infusion with a low-boiling solvent.
- A robust and automated GC fractionation platform.
- Fractionation of complete chromatograms.
- Multiple injections for repeated fractionation in the same wells or vials increase the concentration of the individual compounds.
- Dedicated software visualizes where the fraction of interest is located in the vial or well.
- Solvent safety system detects a possible solvent leak in the GC oven.
- Flexible movement order allows to easily switch between racks, wells and vials