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XOS Clora & Clora 2XP Analyzer

Clora benchtops are compliant with ASTM D7536 and D4929 standards, and deliver a limit of detection of 0.13 ppm and a dynamic range up to 3000 ppm. 

Clora 2XP complies with ASTM D7536 and D4929-C standard test methods. This model delivers a limit of detection of 0.07 ppm and dynamic range up to 3000 ppm (measures catalysts).

Analysis of total Chlorine in Liquid Hydrocarbons

Precise determination of chlorine in petroleum is critical during refining processes. Chlorine may poison expensive catalysts and lead to corrosion in areas like the overhead or reactor effluent systems. Clora benchtop XRF analyzers provide analysis of chlorine concentration in liquid hydrocarbon samples such as aromatics, distillates and heavy fuels, and aqueous solutions.

Clora is powered by MWDXRF, the same technology found in our signature sulfur analyzer, Sindie. This direct measurement technique does not require gasses or high temperature processes equating to easy operation and minimum maintenance requirements.

  • Applications

    • Total chlorine analysis from aqueous solutions and aromatic products to heavy fuels, crudes, and Catalyst
    • For refineries, petrochemical and additive plants, pipeline terminals, and test laboratories


    • LOD: 0.13 ppm for hydrocarbons
    • LOD: 0.3 ppm for aqueous samples
    • Dynamic Range: 0.13 ppm to 3000 ppm

    Clora 2XP:

    • LOD: 0.07 ppm in 600 s
    • Dynamic Range: 0.07 ppm - 2 wt%
  • Benefits


    • Fits on any lab bench

    • Easy to use
      - Intuitive touch screen
      - Just plug-in and measure
      - Measurement time: 30-900 s

    • Extremely low maintenance: no conversion gasses, heating elements, columns, or quartz tubing

    Clora 2XP:

    • Automatic sulfur correction
    • Fits on any lab bench
    • Easy to use
      - Intuitive touch screen
      - Just plug-in and measure
      - Measurement time: 30-900 s
    • Extremely low maintenance: no conversion gasses, heating elements, columns, acids, or quartz tubing
    • Replaceable air-cooled X-ray tube
  • Downloads

  • Options


    • LIMS data output compatible software

    • Extended Range (XR): 0.13 ppm to 4 wt%

    • Catalyst testing capability

    • Accu-flow

    • 8-cell Autosampler

    • Accucell Sample Basket Available

    Clora 2XP:

    • LIMS data output compatible software

Da Vinci Laboratory Solutions B.V. - T +31 (0)10 258 1870 - E This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.