PEAK Scientific Gas Generation
An on-site gas generator from PEAK Scientific is the practical and cost-effective alternative to pressurised gas cylinders, dewars or bulk storage of laboratory gas.

Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Air Generator Solutions
Traditional sources of gas, for example nitrogen or hydrogen, incur on-going delivery, administrative and rental costs, all of which impact on business revenue or facility budgets.
A Peak generator provides you with a dependable, easy to use on-demand gas solution without any of the safety concerns or practical considerations. What’s more, while the price of delivered gas is subject to volatility as well as delivery delays, a generator from PEAK Scientific represents a stable and dependable long-term investment.
PEAK Scientific manufactures nitrogen, hydrogen and zero air gas generators and offers a wide variety of gas generators to suit applications including GC, LC-MS, ELSD and Sample Preparation.
he Genius series: nitrogen gas generators for LC-MS & LC-MS/MS applications. These generators deliver greater efficiency, superior reliability and improved performance than their predecessors.
The Solaris series: With flow rates up to 35 L/min, Solaris generators are compact and economical nitrogen gas solutions for labs.
The Infinity Series: Compressor-free nitrogen generators for laboratories, Infinity generators are able to run uninterrupted 24 hours a day. Effectively silent in operation these generators can deliver up to 520 L/min of high purity nitrogen.
The Precision series: Combining convenience and reliability in a stackable and modular design, Precision is the safe and practical GC gas solution.
Tailored solutions: To meet the specific demands of many key analytical applications and instrument types
The i-FlowLab series: a modular & expandable on-site nitrogen generation system. It is capable of delivering a continuous & consistent supply, at a range of purities (up to 99.9995% N2) and flow rates to meet the full & varying gas demands of your combined laboratory applications, such as LC-MS, gloveboxes, fume hoods, sample evaporators and more.
Convenient - Gas on-demand, no cylinders to change or supply stocks to maintain
Consistent - Consistent gas quality and supply, no impurities or running out of gas
Economical - Eliminate ongoing costs of cylinders, manage lifetime running costs
Safe - No pressurized compressed gas cylinders in your lab
Green - No repeated gas deliveries, energy efficient
Protected - Comprehensive on site warranty & service plans